1- Carriages gradually disappeared with the advent of the motorcar.
2- Another daily, the Sueddeutsche, even hailed the advent of a "New Germany".
3- Proprietor Fabian Stuart says business has been on an upswing since the advent of RWB.
4- With the advent of World War II, demand for production of goods and services increased.
5- In recent years, it's gotten significantly worse with the advent of online technology, he said.
6- Long before the advent of chainsaws, she notes, he was warning about the dangers of deforestation.
7- The advent of digital television makes pirate television broadcasting more difficult.
8- The advent of motorized transportation further improved communications.
9- A more significant change is the advent of social media.
10- The advent of internet has revolutionized our lives.
11- The early 1990s marked the advent of online diary planners.
12- This development occurred long before the advent of computers.
13- The hypothesis has been extensively revised since its advent in 1965.
14- The advent of web software helped to distribute music unofficially.
15- The popular advent of television kept many members at home.
16- So what is it ad advent calendars.
17- The advent of barbed wire exacerbated this situation.
18- But what does " advent " mean?
19- Advent is a contemplative, quiet liturgical season.
20- With advent of talking pictures, variety suffered.
21- The changes coming this advent are different though.
22- The advent of morning brought no good news.
23- Advent ... the new liturgical season has begun.
24- This was the advent of mortal and material man.
25- What does advent mean for us today?
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