76- 438008 Jesus invites us to share in his lot, his way of living and acting.

77- Calls by CBC News to both Champion and the acting chief were not returned.

78- In prison she was charged and convicted of acting out and assaulting staff.

79- Q: How do you reconcile your French acting career and your Hollywood career?

80- Which isn't to say the evening won't offer something for fans of his acting.

81- The measure only gives the illusion that the State is acting for our safety.

82- All 20 acting nominees are white, something that hasn't happened since 1998.

83- 382573 Is it democratically elected officials acting in the public interest?

84- "A player at a club like that, at that level, should not be acting like that.

85- Dorsey was Twitter's acting CEO following Dick Costolo's resignation in June.

86- She'll now be acting senior vice president for Google's enterprise businesses.

87- However, Dallaire said that concern should not prevent Canada from acting now.

88- Its vice-president and acting CEO, Brendan Bell, is a former cabinet minister.

89- Imagine if there had been a comment period before acting in the war on terror.

90- They're kind of acting as a judge and jury rather than meeting with us openly.

91- 291805 He was always modest about his achievements, and his reasons for acting.

92- He denied allegations the UK was acting like "a panting puppy" towards Beijing.

93- 394331 I think Trump is acting like a spoiled child, and he needs to stop that."

94- Lt. Gov. Brad Little is serving as acting governor while Otter is incapacitated.

95- In the comments on YouTube, someone asks, "Why are they acting like white girls?"

96- Even the acting information minister of Zimbabwe, Prisca Mupfumira, was confused.

97- The defense ministry is still acting like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

98- Deputy Chief Glen McCloskey will serve as acting chief until a successor is named.

99- The lawmaker at right is LDP's Masahisa Sato, acting chairperson of the committee.

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