1- This stew tastes acrid.

2- Others are choking on the acrid fumes.

3- The dispute over deflation in the eurozone has become increasingly acrid .

4- acrid fumes from the gunfire drifted round the silent room.

5- It can leave buds tasting acrid and not very nice.

6- The air we breathed was foul and acrid with smoke.

7- Soon, the cockpit is filling with acrid fumes.

8- Her perfume was strong and acrid in his nostrils.

9- acrid tear gas fumes still emanate from clothes and skin.

10- A dreary weight of anxiety and acrid bitterness settled on her.

11- The acrid smell of burning solder and melting plastic fills the air.

12- acrid smoke wafted from a nearby cooking fire.

13- Everywhere, the acrid smell of bodies hangs in the air.

14- When he opened his acrid mouth he displayed broken and missing teeth.

15- None seemed bothered by the acrid smoke that drifted at street level.

16- This stew tastes acrid.

17- Others are choking on the acrid fumes.

18- The dispute over deflation in the eurozone has become increasingly acrid .

19- acrid fumes from the gunfire drifted round the silent room.

20- It can leave buds tasting acrid and not very nice.

21- The air we breathed was foul and acrid with smoke.

22- Soon, the cockpit is filling with acrid fumes.

23- Her perfume was strong and acrid in his nostrils.

24- acrid tear gas fumes still emanate from clothes and skin.

25- A dreary weight of anxiety and acrid bitterness settled on her.

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