26- In 1926, her accommodations were again altered to carry cabin, tourist and 3rd class passengers.

27- Lasting at minimum several weeks, it would begin with a banquet and include hotel accommodations.

28- Kerr-Drummond, Parker, Wentz and Stout Halls continue to offer traditional dormitory accommodations.

29- The Job Accommodation Network discusses accommodations for people with disabilities in the workplace.

30- Guest wings were added to the original clubhouse in 1973 due to the need for overnight accommodations.

31- It is situated in the highest point of the hills and offers medium and high end budget accommodations.

32- Accommodation The Lilac Resort offers overnight motel and campsite accommodations and seasonal RV sites.

33- This group introduced the sit-in as a tactic in challenging racial segregation in public accommodations.

34- The hotel built across the street from the store, provided free accommodations for the Spade Ranch cowboys.

35- Each unit was also made completely self-sufficient and the accommodations were improved to increase comfort.

36- There are other "accommodations" that can be implemented if a part of a student's IEP, such as extra time to take a test.

37- Special residence accommodations include honors residence halls and The Village, home to residential Greek organizations.

38- Also a part of the guest accommodations was a guest dining room located where the number two hatch would be on most lakers.

39- In their view, their elaborate system, which includes accommodations for years-long trips and even for deaths, is very good.

40- The Health Center also provides overnight accommodations for students requiring additional attention while not feeling well.

41- An essential form is encouragement; others include compensation strategies and accommodations in the child's areas of weakness.

42- Day rates also available for Woodward at Copper guests not staying in Woodward at Copper accommodations and include 1 meal a day.

43- At one of their lower points, Doc's health is worsening and they depend on the accommodations of Henry Hooker ( Charlton Heston ).

44- Using the show's limited success as leverage, Berry began to demand a higher salary and better studio accommodations for the actors.

45- Georgetown University invited the Institute to hold its annual conference there, providing free accommodations and a volunteer staff.

46- The residential program is specially structured to meet the needs of middle and high school students who need boarding accommodations.

47- Students with verifiable disabilities, including physical and learning disabilities, are eligible to take the SAT with accommodations.

48- How are faculty informed of recommended accommodations ?

49- The sleeping accommodations consisted of unfinished rough boards.

50- Host institutions provide assistance in finding comfortable accommodations .

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