1- I accommodated him with money.

2- Our hotel accommodates guests.

3- I accommodated him for the night.

4- I accommodate statistics to theory.

5- I accommodated my friend with money.

6- She accommodated her schedule to his.

7- You must accommodate your plans to mine.

8- He accommodated me with a night's lodging.

9- I accommodated him with a night's lodging.

10- He accommodated the traveler for the night.

11- He accommodated me when I asked him for change.

12- The husband accommodated his plan to his wife's.

13- He can't accommodate himself to his circumstances.

14- They modified the report to accommodate all views.

15- I accommodated my plan to those new circumstances.

16- She was kind enough to accommodate me with some money.

17- The canal can accommodate ships as large as , dead weight tons.

18- Lenin Stadium in Moscow has enough seats to accommodate more than 103,000 people.

19- Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral's massive interior can accommodate over 6,000 worshippers.

20- The transportation infrastructure in the country needs to be developed to accommodate the increase in tourism.

21- The contractors have revised their original estimate for the work to accommodate some changes I made to our original request.

22- After analyzing the available data, we decided to modify the original parameters of the spreadsheet to accommodate more information.

23- It was very farsighted for that company to change its policy to accommodate the decrease in numbers of children and the aging of society.

24- The school has made some structural changes to accommodate students with physical handicaps, such as those who are blind or in wheelchairs.

25- West Jackson Elementary School can accommodate up to 1,400 students.

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