26- The "ability" to acclimatize is an adaptation, but not the acclimatization itself.
27- The commonly acclimatized antibiotics someone is concerned treating sinus infection are amoxicillin, azithromycin or penicillin.
28- Her anxiety about the visit disappeared once she became acclimatized to the appaling conditions confronting her.
29- To acclimatize oneself against the flurry, have opponents attack you using multiple techniques in fast succession.
30- A large number of exotic species were introduced which acclimatized and became mixed with our indigenous vegetation.
31- The Synod of Pistoia (1786) even tried to acclimatize it in Italy.
32- In order to acclimatize to the weather and altitude ride downhill on easy paths to Huaraz.
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35- Since I was in shape and acclimatized , my guide suggested I should go after Rainier.
36- These organisms acclimatize the molecular composition of their cell membranes to ambient temperature to sustain regular physiological properties.
37- A video I made describing how fish slowly became acclimatized to land after millions of years of evolution.
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39- As for skin becoming acclimatized to Dermacinz, well, nine months on I am still clear.
40- To help acclimatize for hot-weather conditions, I run in my big, puffy winter ski parka.
41- Individuals acclimatize to cold, for example, by adjusting physically, physiologically or psychologically following cold exposure.
42- Runners had to acclimatize to the humid tropical conditions.
43- It took her a while to get acclimatized to her new surroundings.(30) I'm still now well tuned in to my new surroundings.
44- Individuals acclimatize to cold, for example, by adjusting physically, physiologically or psychologically following cold exposure.
45- More time will be needed for the troops and equipment to become acclimatized to desert conditions.30) They set up camp on the verge of the desert.
46- It takes many months to acclimatize/become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate.30 The north central states have a very different kind of climate.
47- It takes many months to acclimatize/become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate.
48- It takes many months to acclimatize/become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate.
49- Runners had to acclimatize to the humid tropical conditions.
50- It takes him several months to acclimatize himself to working at night.
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