26- The 1956 Constitution was abrogated following the union and a provisional one decreed.
27- However, the Nonintercourse Act itself does not abrogate state sovereign immunity.
28- This primeval commission has never been abrogated - man is still under its obligations.
29- He also mentions 4:15 where the abrogated verse indicates its temporariness.
30- While states may not abrogate contracts, they may pass legislation that affects contracts.
31- Article 108 (investigative bodies for civil complaints) has been abrogated in 1999.
32- After successful coups, military regimes have abrogated existing constitutions and promulgated interim charters.
33- Exactly who decides if a nation has ' abrogated its legal responsibilities'?
34- A later stature may abrogate an earlier law with which it conflicts.
35- The treaty was abrogated in 1929.
36- The government can not cannot just abrogate abrogate contracts.
37- There are contracts . The government cannot abrogate contracts.
38- This basic right can not be abrogated by the decision of the parents[], the doctor or the State.
39- Both govements voted to abrogate the agreement.
40- But it is generally thought in the trade that the agreement has been abrogated by the Ivory Coast.
41- The next prime minister could abrogate the treaty.
42- The pro-slavery compromise of the Constitution which required the rendition of fugitive slaves was abrogated.
43- f-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U. S.22) Non-national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated . Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.
44- S. announced its intention to abrogate several arms control agreements.
45- But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calling on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.
46- The president abrogated an old law.
47- Both govements voted to abrogate the agreement.
48- The pro-slavery compromise of the Constitution which required the rendition of fugitive slaves was abrogated.
49- It was suggested that the mutual security treaty with Japan be abrogated.
50- The normal privilege against self-incrimination is abrogated by the terms of section 31 in such proceedings.
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