1- The teasing light had abruptly switched off.

2- The worth function f may change abruptly .

3- Expect announcement will abruptly halt present repatriation movements.

4- He must have stopped falling pretty abruptly .

5- But that romantic plan was abruptly aborted.

6- The coastal profile usually descends abruptly towards the sea.

7- Tunnel valley channels often start or stop abruptly .

8- Capital and technical relations were abruptly severed.

9- The show ended abruptly during the 2nd season.

10- This continues until the poem ends abruptly .

11- Work abruptly halted while further surveys were carried out.

12- Holmes's naval career had very abruptly ended.

13- A Swedish nuclear power plant abruptly stopped producing power.

14- The civilization collapsed abruptly around 1700 BCE.

15- The woman's singing had stopped abruptly .

16- She sat down abruptly in the nearest chair.

17- The tender ties of a whole lifetime are abruptly broken.

18- She abruptly dismissed several graduate students from her lab.

19- Nothing further was said and the parade was abruptly dismissed.

20- She casually and quite abruptly dumps him.

21- His dark eyes abruptly bored into her.

22- Alexandra sat down abruptly in her chair.

23- The stone path with no stones ended abruptly .

24- The movie ends abruptly at this stage.

25- Jai sees this and stops dancing abruptly .

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