26- Also published was "A Shorter 'Finnegans Wake",' Burgess's abridgement .
27- It was regarded as " the abridgement of the entire Gospel" according to Tertullian of Carthage.
28- There was also an often-reprinted abridgement , "The Student's Hume" (1859).
29- Much of this was then recycled to MPs through careful abridgement of the evidence given to parliamentary committees.
30- Combined with other abridgements , this serialisation omitted almost 40% of the text of the published novel.
31- Geoffrey Skelton) (1994), "Cosima Wagner's Diaries: an abridgement .
32- Due to free-will abridgement the over-soul will not say, but only to expect major changes ahead.
33- This surviving Greek text appears to be an abridgement or epitome of "Lucius of Patrae's" text.
34- In 1676 he published an abridgement of Foxe's Book of Martyrs , entitled A Brief Historical Relation .
35- However, its contents have not yet been revealed in any detail, neither has the valuable abridgement been considered.
36- In 2005 an abridgement with an introduction by Martin Gilbert was published by the Free Press, New York.
37- All three of these above-described collections (Decretum, Panormia, Tripartita) called for and found abridgements .
38- Harvard University in May canceled the same event on their campus without fear of legal reprisal or First Amendment abridgement .
39- Roberts' abridgement is reader-friendly, being written for use in colleges and to be read by the general public.
40- King Henry IV of Germany considered Gregory's decree against lay investiture an abridgement of his authority over the episcopacy.
41- An abridgement of the book has been published for young readers.
42- He read abridgement of the long novel.
43- The town council voted for an abridgement of the mayor's power.
44- The Canterbury Tales, so far as they are in verse, have been printed without any abridgement or designed change in the sense.
45- In conclusion, the author puts forward three translation strategies, namely, abridgement, adaptation and interpretation.
46- He read an abridgement of the long novel.
47- The expressive notation facilitates abridgement in order to specify broader categories.
48- The Chinese original, of which this is an abridgement, was published in Common Wealth Monthly.
49- Beginners are encouraged to read abridgement of David Copperfield because the original is too difficult.
50- A political ideology, then[], should be viewed as an abridgement of a particular tradition.
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