26- It was sung in German, with abridged spoken dialogue.
27- This most abridged version is also the most effective.
28- A 95 page abridged version was also published in 1945 and 1946.
29- Many episodes of the Ramayana are elaborated while many others are abridged .
30- The abridged accumulating will be attainable in 500 food civic additional online.
31- There is no reason not to abridge time.
32- There have been and are several abridged "Britannica" encyclopaedias.
33- The text was heavily abridged and each instalment carried an uncredited illustration.
34- abridged version of a 1995 article in "Living Marxism".
35- And an abridged translation by Burton Watson was published in 2006.
36- I've abridged , but here are the matters I covered.
37- In 1948, an abridged version was edited by Thomas Mann.
38- The link is to an abridged copy on Google Books.
39- The government started issuing unabridged birth certificates in March 2013.
40- Here's an abridged and edited version of both conversations this morning, beginning with Whitehead.
41- The Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary is the only source that I found that points further back than Latin in its etymology.
42- It was abridged from the original work.
43- This article is an abridged version of his Inaugural Lecture, given at the University on 2 March.
44- Article XIX. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
45- She has been asked to abridge the novel for radio.
46- By using Design for testability, we can abridge the contriving period and reduce the cost.30. Article 33 Book publishers may modify or abridge works with the license of authors.
47- John Wesley edited an abridged edition and used it widely to support his sermons.
48- The book is an abridged account of his experiences in India before Independence.
49- It was abridged from the original work.
50- In addition to the full edition,(http://) there exist abridged and medium editions of the scheme.
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