51- If you view a rainbow from above, it appears to be shaped like a donut.

52- We could see the chimney stack towering above the trees from miles away.

53- Health is above wealth, for the former is more important than the latter.

54- The teacher said above all, what is necessary for success is perseverance.

55- Fever is usually defined as an oral temperature above 37.

56- 4 degrees.

57- The huge, old trees towered above us as we made our way through the forest.

58- Health is above wealth, for this does not give us so much happiness as that.

59- The military base is well camouflaged to keep it from being seen from above.

60- Too many corporations place their own greed above the needs of their clients.

61- Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater to fresh water.

62- My niece laughs every time I lean over and peek at her from above her stroller.

63- The spacecraft hovered above the planet for a few minutes before touching down.

64- The young woman hiked her skirt above her knees as she waded through the water.

65- The little boy felt nervous with the principal looming above him in the office.

66- We could see the flame at the top of the stack that towered above the refinery.

67- The part of an iceberg under the water is much larger than that above the water.

68- An office building, with stories above ground and below, is under construction.

69- I started a new job, and it's been a struggle just to keep my head above the water.

70- Pat Riley once remarked that a champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning.

71- The terrified villagers scattered as the helicopters appeared in the sky above them.

72- The cat disappeared entirely, except for its grin, which hung in the air above Alice.

73- The planes did loops in the air above the upturned faces of the delighted spectators.

74- Eugene Ionesco once stated that a work of art is, above all, an adventure of the mind.

75- Sathya Sai Baba once suggested that meditation is nothing else but rising above desires.

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