1- The environmental engineering curriculum is currently undergoing review for future abet accreditation.
2- Full abet accreditation was received during the Fall semester of 2011.
3- This book will abet the aroused mind in the process.
4- The people pushing will aid and abet the driver.
5- Let not any of you therefore who are near abet him.
6- They charged her under an aiding and abetting theory .
7- Other charges included abetting various other financial offences and abusing state authority.
8- Are we aiding or abetting the needed transformation?
9- Yet, entirely unintentionally, they were abetting an injustice.
10- Some examples are aiding, abetting , conspiracy, and attempt.
11- Guerrero-Espinoza was also charged with aiding and abetting aggravated identity theft.
12- In venomous usage , the word simply isn't abetting progress.
13- Abdul Razak has been charged with abetting the murder.
14- Kurshid appealed to Italian media to refrain from abetting controversies.
15- THAT is what you've been harboring and abetting .
16- But under the concept of aiding and abetting , I plead guilty.
17- They were eventually charged with conspiracy, aiding and abetting to commit murder.
18- He was found guilty of murder, persecutions and aiding and abetting genocide.
19- We don't want to aid and abet that.
20- The filmmakers abet them in this with unusual and unexpected formal touches.
21- In fact, their telecommunications degree is an abet accredited program since 2008.
22- Allegedly, backside abet is enigmatic general Beijing president.
23- And what of Iran, which apparently continues to aid and abet both Shi'ite and Sunni insurgent groups with IEDS and other weapons?
24- The NTC has made it very clear all along that they requested from all the neighboring countries not to aid and abet criminals on the escape.
25- Where were those dark Plutonian forces when she needed them to aid and abet her plotting?
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