discrete in a sentence

Example Sentences for "discrete"

Jean Piaget is famous for identifying and describing the discrete steps in the development of intelligence in infants.

Discrete mathematics has evolved at the same time as computers.

Margaret J. Kenney has suggested that it is necessary for all students, regardless of their choice of career path, to receive some instruction in discrete mathematics so that they will be able to function as informed citizens of an increasingly technological society.

Richard Marker has suggested that the discrete donut twisted chain model provides a bottom-up explanation of space.

Discrete mathematics includes sets, functions and relations, matrix algebra, combinatorics and finite probability, graph theory, finite differences and recurrence relations, logic, mathematical induction, and algorithmic thinking.

The discrete parts of the network system work by themselves as well as together.

The power supply in the computer is a discrete unit which can be considered separately from other components in the computer.

Your indiscretions at the company Christmas party could cost you your job.

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English words and Examples of use

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