dispose in a sentence

Example Sentences for "dispose"

In the developed nations, the average person has almost two rooms at his disposal, whereas in the developing nations, the average person must share a room with two others.

Too many products come in disposable packaging; it's so wasteful!

A study done a few years ago discovered that women's disposable razors are more expensive than men's, even though the only difference is color.

In his play, "The Price," Arthur Miller wrote, "The car, the furniture, the wife, the children - everything has to be disposable. Because you see, the main thing today is shopping."

The major environmental issue in Fiji is how to dispose of waste materials in a responsible manner.

When hiking in the wilderness, it is important to properly dispose of anything you can't pack out.

Improper disposal of industrial waste is a serious environmental problem.

The hospital is responsible for the disposal of unneeded blood products.

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English words and Examples of use

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