distract in a sentence

Example Sentences for "distract"

The father distracted the baby with a toy while the mother quickly changed her diaper.

Rajiv's mother was seriously injured in a car accident which occurred when she was momentarily distracted by her cell phone while driving on the highway.

Golf was banned in England and Scotland in 1457 by King James II because he claimed it distracted people from the archery practice necessary for national defense.

While driving, a cell phone can be a dangerous distraction.

In Bhutan, during archery competitions, cheerleaders are allowed to distract the opposing team by shouting rude comments.

A Malagasy proverb notes, "Distracted} by what is far away, he does not see his nose."

Research shows that people can tolerate pain for a longer time if they are distracted by something.

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English words and Examples of use

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