1- The rarest rainforest animal is the golden lion tamarin, with less than 250 specimens left in the world.

2- This fossil here is a particularly interesting specimen.

3- No authentic specimens of ancient Roman music have survived to the present day.

4- specimens of almost every seashell species from the Indian Ocean wash up on Mozambique's beaches.

5- A collector recently paid over $100,000 for a rare specimen of butterfly.

6- Milan Kundera once suggested that the serial number of a human specimen is the face, that accidental and unrepeatable combination of features.

7- A specimen of the accused killer's blood was taken for analysis.

8- The Natural History Museum in South Kensington is filled with magnificent specimens and exciting displays.

9- There are hundreds of specimens of dinosaur fossils on display in the museum's featured exhibition.

10- specimens of almost every seashell species from the Indian Ocean wash up on Mozambique's beaches.

11- Studies of the surviving specimens of Ancient Greek music suggest that it resembled the music of the early Middle Ages.

12- The rarest rainforest animal is the golden lion tamarin, with less than 250 specimens left in the world.

13- Is there anything specific that you want me to pick up for supper or should I just get whatever is on sale? specimenThe Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.

14- C.

15- contains the world's largest collection of seashells, with over 15 million specimens.

16- specimens of hair taken from the factory workers showed abnormally high levels of lead in their systems.

17- No authentic specimens of ancient Roman music have survived to the present day.

18- The laboratory found evidence of parasites in your cat's stool specimen.

19- Studies of the surviving specimens of Ancient Greek music suggest that it resembled the music of the early Middle Ages.

20- Kerry Gruson once described urban man as an uncommon zoo specimen that survives on a diet of hamburgers, French fries and Coke.

21- When collecting wild mushrooms, it is important to keep edible and poisonous specimens in separate containers.

22- Find someone who has looked at a blood specimen under a microscope.

23- spectacleGershwin said she got hold of some other, smaller specimens of the creature before Christmas.

24- If I put a large specimen in there, it will just sit for weeks, getting slowly munched on.

25- Soon he was drawing bird specimens again.

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