1- Recent studies suggest that environmental factors, rather than heredity, play the major role in whether or not a person develops most types of cancer.

2- heredity plays a big role in your body shape, and what you weigh.

3- Does a child's musical talent depend on heredity?

4- The biggest debate is whether it ever will be appropriate to alter human heredity by editing an embryo's genes.

5- The biggest debate is whether it ever will be appropriate to alter human heredity by editing an embryo's genes.

6- Chapter 27 heredity and constitution in schizophrenia.

7- When the husbands are asked why they marry many, the answer is typically 'heredity.'

8- heredity and an active farm upbringing gave Alfred a powerful physique.

9- Scarring is an individual thing, partly dependent on heredity.

10- Several theories have been advanced in the last century to explain the heredity of the seal brown coat.

11- Some suggested causes of delinquency are heredity, identity problems, community influences, and family experiences.

12- Throughout his life physicians and aleinists thought heredity played some role in his mental disorders.

13- Weismann A. 1889. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems.

14- 196435 The idea is, according to a recent Theosophical writer, the master-key to modern problems,"" including heredity."

15- Because Zola believed that everyone is driven by their heredity, Adelaide's children show signs of the their mother's original deficiency.

16- She published three novels between 1889 and 1895: Aves Sin Nido (Birds Without a Nest), Indole (Character), and Herencia (heredity).

17- Majumdar (1966), pp50-51 Administration Inscriptions and other literary records show the Rashtrakutas selected the crown prince based on heredity.

18- Bowler credits him with studies on heredity, with the natural origin of human races, and with the idea that forms of life may have changed with time.

19- Does a child's musical talent depend on heredity?

20- Recent studies suggest that environmental factors, rather than heredity, play the major role in whether or not a person develops most types of cancer.

21- heredity plays a big role in your body shape, and what you weigh.

22- N. Field: Wanted: Accurate Data about Human heredity: Timaru: Timaru Post Publishing: 1911.

23- Sir William Lawrence (1783-1867): a study of pre-Darwinian ideas on heredity and variation.

24- Scholars such as Earnest A. Hooton continued to argue that both environment and heredity were involved.

25- Schrödinger believes the heredity material to be a molecule, which unlike a crystal does not repeat itself.

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