1- He is alive to his own interests.

2- We were alive to what was going on.

3- HellerickI was fully alive to the danger.

4- I hope his parents are alive to view this pic of their son.

5- 'He is more than alive to the impact.'

6- And I just might, except that this is not my father's voice, which is as alive to me as anything in this world.

7- Don't leave a single one alive to reproach me!"

8- I only wish my mum and dad were alive to be there.

9- I think that the fact that he and the other person in the home are alive to talk about it is all the proof I need.

10- I wish they were alive to see this," Baffert said.

11- I'm probably also the only person alive to already have seven graves, he says, enjoying my careful attention.

12- It's hard for any other creature alive to beat that branding.

13- Obama acknowledged all of those who have fought for gay rights who are no longer alive to witness this day.

14- 'We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.'

15- Galileo is destroyed by Nosferatu, who incinerates him alive to ashes.

16- In my mind, I kept myself alive to that point, and after that, it was up to the doctors to save me.

17- IS spurned that offer - and it's unclear if Kassasbeh was even still alive to make it possible.

18- Stuck in human form, Trauma is thrown aside into a car, and is left alive to carry on the message that Hulk has no fear.

19- Tadashii left her alive to send back to Suzuka with a warning.

20- The dog was taken alive to a veterinary hospital following the shooting.

21- The same dialogue shows him to be alive to its dangers and defects.

22- We are very alive to these innovations and the expectations of our customers.

23- It has been demanding a new investigation into the fate of the remaining abductees and wants any still alive to be returned.

24- 'What I want is that we create a training that lasts and is vibrant, alive to the changes that develop in the community,' Botzer told SGN.

25- 634972 So the Realtor of the Year told the story of the year and is alive to present the 2014 Realtor of the Year Award to this year's winner.

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