26- The band is in the studio recording a new album for Christmas.

27- We spent the evening looking at old pictures in our photo album.

28- It was fun looking at my grandmother's wedding album and seeing all the old fashions of their era.

29- Fans are excitedly awaiting the band's new album, due out at Christmas.

30- After making a single popular album, the group was quickly relegated to the status of "one-hit wonders.

31- "She pasted pictures of her favorite movie stars in a little album.

32- You shall have this album as a prize.

33- Singer George Michael was the first white performer to have a top selling album on the black music charts in the U.

34- S.

35- In most official biographies of the singer, they tend to omit any mention of his first album, which was a total flop.

36- The group's debut album sold over a million copies.

37- The song "Hey Bulldog" on the Beatles' album Yellow Submarine was the last song John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote in full collaboration.

38- Her latest album is a tour de force.

39- It even has a storyline.

40- Eric Clapton is apparently recording his new album in a studio in L.

41- A.

42- right now.

43- Their newest album has been a great success and has certainly consolidated their position at the top of the pop charts.

44- The polished sound of their latest album is a stark contrast to the raw, punk sound of their first recording.

45- She pasted the pictures of her wedding in a special photo album.

46- The art on rock music album covers is often quite interesting.

47- The band met with the rock music press to discuss their forthcoming album.

48- Craig has an album filled with photos and articles about his favorite basketball team.

49- I'll show my album to you.

50- His debut album is really difficult to find, but it is well worth looking for.

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