1- Unlike the French and Russian agrarian revolution, the Chinese agrarian revolution was more protracted.

2- Robert P. Brooks, "The agrarian revolution in Georgia, 1865-1912.

3- The Emancipation set the stage for the agrarian revolution that uprooted the pre-revolutionary social order in 1917.

4- This agrarian revolution was made famous in the West by William Hinton's book "Fanshen".

5- Leading a Comintern delegation appointed by Joseph Stalin to develop agrarian revolution in China, Roy reached Canton in February 1927.

6- The aim is to also encourage an agrarian revolution and help develop small farmers to be able to compete with large landowners.

7- The national independence of both Germany and Italy came not through agrarian revolution , but through the force of arms of established powers.

8- The Poles are une nation foutue who can only continue to serve a purpose until such time as Russia herself becomes caught up into the agrarian revolution .

9- Now the national and agrarian revolution , the transition to capitalism, could set off the proletarian revolution, the transition to socialism.

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