76- The responses from the children and adolescents were varied.
77- Turning Points 2000: Educating adolescents in the 21st century.
78- Journal of the American Academy of Child and adolescent Psychiatry.
79- Torun, B. (2005) "Energy requirements of children and adolescents".
80- An adolescent prank led his father to place him under house arrest.
81- However, a sizable number of adolescents seem to lack this capacity.
82- He is said not to have reached full size, dying as a mature adolescent.
83- On the other hand, the pledge does not work for adolescents at all ages.
84- As an adolescent he behaved himself and remained very close to his mother.
85- This theme would concern John Connor's maturation from an adolescent into a man.
86- Is the adolescent trying to lose weight, and (if so), is it in a healthy manner?
87- Close friend and group influence on adolescent cigarette smoking and alcohol use.
88- Beyond formal operations: Vol. I. Late adolescent and adult cognitive development.
89- In The Integration of Immigrant adolescent: A Selection of Articles of Youth Aliyah.
90- Pediatric diagnosis: interpretation of symptoms and signs in children and adolescents.
91- As an adolescent, we had a troubled relationship and that was my fault as much as his."
92- Beginning in his adolescent years, Khomeini composed mystic, political and social poetry.
93- Borowsky IW, Hogan M, Ireland M. adolescent sexual aggression: risk and protective factors.
94- As adolescents, they may experience similar emotions when first approaching the opposite sex.
95- The program also recognizes that the abuser may be a male or female, adult, youth or adolescent.
96- It was distinct from most earlier films about adolescent abuse due to its complex characterization.
97- At this stage, the development of speciality interests such as forensic, child/adolescent take place.
98- A comparison of risky health behaviors of sexually active, sexually abused, and abstaining adolescents.
99- 66 Suppl 7 21-28 have concluded that this disorder can be validly diagnosed in children and adolescents.
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