26- I think as I look back on my life, my childhood and early adolescence were this magical, bewildering, chaotic, and exploratory time of my life.

27- Such deficits may also continue into adolescence and early adulthood, along with an increased risk for initiation of tobacco and marijuana use.

28- Nathan documents Pug's transition from childhood to adolescence, during which the youngster seems to age much more than the three years he's filmed.

29- I wanted to believe that this heinous ritual was unique to McCall's adolescence in the 1960's and 1970's, but news reports didn't support this hope.

30- Kabamaru is in his adolescence when his grandfather dies.

31- The remainder of the story details, in brief, Bobby's adolescence.

32- Most Irish Terriers need to have their ears trained during adolescence.

33- Peter Goldsworthy's novella Maestro is based on adolescence and growing up.

34- His sculptures 'Diana', 'Nude woman', 'adolescence' and many others are famous.

35- Few reports included long-term follow up of CMTC into adolescence and adulthood.

36- Most disagreed with the idea of postponing surgical correction until adolescence or later.

37- The Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study: A follow-up of IQ test performance at adolescence.

38- In his adolescence he turned to the martial art Taekwondo (??? ???) to help calm his restless mind.

39- A developmental propensity model of the origins of conduct problems during childhood and adolescence.

40- Onset of EA1 occurs during early childhood to adolescence and persists throughout the patient's life.

41- His relationships with the surviving Davies boys continued well beyond their childhood and adolescence.

42- Sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence among Nicaraguan men and women: a population-based survey.

43- The first VCD SUPER BEST in this series had highlights of Kanazawa's debut and scenes from Tough adolescence.

44- Modeling mediation in the etiology of violent behavior in adolescence: A test of the social development model.

45- The next jing cycle is then adolescence, when Kidney jing matures and causes the ren meridian to open and flow.

46- Midge and Henrietta remember Ainswick fondly as well, having spent a part of their childhood or adolescence there.

47- When Greene reached the age of adolescence he was enrolled in Roman Catholic-faith based St. Ignatius High School.

48- adolescence can be marked by changes in a Komondor's temperament, eating habits, trainability and general attitude.

49- Freud tries to provide evidence for a vaginal orgasm and he makes it so a clitoral orgasm is seen to be adolescence.

50- It is fairly common to see wrongly positioned ears, even though most dogs have their ears trained during adolescence.

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