51- He admonished the Major for his habit of removing his clothing.

52- The Harlem Democrat has been admonished before for travel-related troubles.

53- The USSR encouraged the new Syrian regime and admonished Israel.

54- Al-Zawahiri sent a letter to al Qaeda in Iraq in the summer of 2005 admonishing the group against its campaign of killing Shia civilians.

55- It was Baldwin who had spoken out after the Dallas defeat, admonishing the Seahawks to 'stop BS'ing themselves' about their offensive malaise.

56- The visit to Staten Island's Goodfella's Pizza caused an uproar on the Internet, with most admonishing the mayor for his non-New Yorker pizza style.

57- Instead, the U.S. chose to admonish and chastise Israel, thus finding itself, along with the Palestinians, in the same cloud it spread over the talks.

58- Thus, the topic of origin became admonished.

59- He accepts her story, and is admonished by Kenard.

60- Gillon admonishes Caine with: "Never try to hustle a hustler."

61- Therefore, he admonished the members to pray for this to take place.

62- Lee admonishes Thomas for not recognizing the truth behind the Village.

63- When Mal admonishes her for handling loaded weapons, River runs off, crying.

64- 596352 Fat Tony admonishes Michael for making him look weak in front of his enemies.

65- Chosen, the new chief is en-stooled by the Elders, who admonish him with expectations.

66- On October 6, 2004, the House Ethics Committee unanimously admonished DeLay on two counts.

67- When the girls giggle with delight at the task, Lisa admonishes them to behave accordingly.

68- Therefore, the Apostolic Assembly admonishes its members to affirm loyalty to their country.

69- Two years later, Xiaoyu was delivered an anonymous e-mail admonishing her not to trust Heihachi.

70- The court-martial found Smith guilty and sentenced him "to be admonished by the reviewing authority."

71- The next day, the Brandenburgian elector admonished the Pomeranian nobility to behave as his subjects.

72- His admonishment was made public, but Washington quietly promised the hero, Arnold, to make it up to him.

73- Response to nushûz In response to nushûz, admonishment, leaving wives in their beds and idribihunna are permitted.

74- Overhearing their conspiracy, Gayane admonishes her husband, but he thrusts her into another room and locks her up.

75- But he admonishes Steve and Julie to leave the boat, which they do, after Julie sorrowfully says goodbye to Magnolia.

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