76- The interview was also found to have adequate reliability across time.

77- During the war period, the department worked without adequate manpower.

78- Therefore it is important to maintain an adequate, but not excessive FRC.

79- He proceeded to deal with them as soon as he mustered up adequate strength.

80- That is an over simplification but adequate to explain the effect of expenses.

81- The objective is to combine an adequate climb rate with maximum forward speed.

82- Several weeks remained before adequate analog broadcast transmissions resumed.

83- In the case of Pausanias, the stated motive of the crime hardly seems adequate.

84- The minimum widths give each rider adequate space to safely navigate the track.

85- Such couples need to be provided with adequate counselling and patient hearing.

86- It is possible that there has not always been adequate testing to justify this.

87- The city grew slowly during this period, as it was hard to find adequate labour.

88- Various political groups continuously blocked adequate expenditures on the army.

89- Soil requirements Castanea likes a soil with good drainage and adequate moisture.

90- In the wild, a horse may travel up to 50 miles per day to obtain adequate forage.

91- December 1941 or February 1942, were considered adequate time for this operation.

92- The ideal option is adequate year-round grazing with only mineral supplementation.

93- However several early schemes to provide adequate drinking water were unsuccessful.

94- It allows us to shortcut behavioral processes and arrive at more adequate decisions.

95- This reference is adequate for many applications and is used in the evaluation kits.

96- Captain Harris selected what he felt was an adequate location for a military airfield.

97- His production is still missed as the Jaguars struggle to find an adequate replacement.

98- Do NOT rely on reversal of pinpoint pupils as a guide to adequate atropine administration.

99- adequate solutions can be derived using models involving prior knowledge of brain activity.

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