urge in a sentence

Example Sentences for "urge"

Five years after quitting smoking, Cathy still felt the urge to light up whenever she went into a bar.

When the little boy spat at his teacher, she had to suppress the urge to spank him.

Wanda decided to go back to work as a professional singer at the urging of her friends.

As your doctor, I urge you to cut down on fatty foods if you don't want to have heart trouble.

Robert Penn Warren once said that the urge to write poetry is like having an itch. When the itch becomes annoying enough, you scratch it.

Early Egyptian writings urged mothers to send their children to school with plenty of bread and beer for their lunch.

In 1950, the United Nations urged all member nations to assist South Korea following the invasion of the country by the North.

A Russian proverb notes that you don't need a whip to urge on an obedient horse.

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English words and Examples of use

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