vague in a sentence

Example Sentences for "vague"

The old woman's memories of the event are quite vague because it happened so long ago.

I don't have the vaguest idea of what you're talking about.

The President's answer as to whether the United States was prepared to use force was deliberately vague.

Politicians are often vague about what they will do if elected so that no one can accuse them of breaking their promises.

The young man had the vague look on his face of someone on drugs.

We could only see a vague outline of the house through the darkness and pouring rain.

Your face is vaguely familiar, but I can't remember where we met.

Bill Cosby once said that the first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete promise, and cultivate the delightfully vague.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the vague, a sentence example for vague, and how to make vague in sample sentence, how do I use the word vague in a sentence? How do you spell vague in a sentence? spelling of vague

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