persuade in a sentence

Example Sentences for "persuade"

Gilbert Highet once asked, "What is politics, but persuading the public to vote for this, and support that, and endure these for the promise of those?"

Winston Churchill once said, "My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me."

One of my co-workers is trying to persuade us to use a new software program for doing the company accounts, but I'm a little unsure about it.

In 1919, Uruguay's President persuaded the government to adopt a law in which authority would be shared equally among several leaders.

In the nation of Bhutan, it is forbidden to try to persuade or force somewhat to change their religion.

The government of Denmark has initiated an aggressive campaign to persuade the Danish people to give up smoking.

Dean Rusk once said that one of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears - by listening to them.

In 1817, the British government gave the Spanish government �400,000 and the Portuguese government �900,000 to persuade them to sign treaties outlawing slavery

Find someone who had to work hard to persuade his/her parents to let him/her sign up for this course.

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