pest in a sentence

Example Sentences for "pest"

My children are pestering me to take them to Disneyland, but we simply can't afford it.

Jerome's wife had to pester him for months to see a doctor about a mole on his shoulder, and when he finally did go, they discovered it was skin cancer.

They use a lot of pesticide on their fruit trees, so I don't want to eat their apples.

The mosquito is a serious pest in many parts of the world.

Princess Anne of England once said to a photographer, "You are a pest by the very nature of that camera in your hand."

In Eritrea, locusts are a terrible pest which compete with humans for food as they attack a wide range of crops and trees.

Studies show that planting and replanting the same crops strips fields of nutrients, and makes them more vulnerable to pests.

Edouard R. Laboulaye once observed, "The first day, a guest; the second, a burden; the third, a pest."

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