dizzy in a sentence

Example Sentences for "dizzy"

He staggered dizzily across the dance floor to the bar.

I hate the feeling of dizziness I get when I have drunk too much.

After getting a needle at the doctor's office, she began to feel dizzy.

Dizziness is often due to a momentary drop in blood pressure and blood flow to the head which occurs when you stand up too quickly.

Side effects of medications, stress, anxiety, or drinking alcohol may sometimes make you feel dizzy.

Doctors say that if you have a feeling of dizziness accompanied by headache, confusion, loss of hearing or changes in vision, weakness in the arms or legs, or numbness, you should call a health professional.

Find someone who has felt dizzy as a result of drinking too much alcohol.

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English words and Examples of use

Example sentences with the dizzy, a sentence example for dizzy, and how to make dizzy in sample sentence, how do I use the word dizzy in a sentence? How do you spell dizzy in a sentence? spelling of dizzy

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