domestic in a sentence

Example Sentences for "domestic"

An international study reports that women carry the major responsibility for domestic labor, regardless of their marital and labor-force status.

In Japan, the dog is believed to have been domesticated as early as the Jomon period, around 10,000 B.C.

Like humans, domestic animals have different medical needs as they age.

In 4400 B.C., the first horses were domesticated in Eastern Europe. This was the first time horses were used for riding.

Some power stations in Germany burn domestic garbage to generate electricity for homes.

Per person, Israel is the world's largest user of domestic solar water-heaters.

Because Ecuador exports primary products such as oil, bananas, and shrimp, fluctuations in world market prices can have a serious domestic impact.

The island nation of Malta has no domestic energy sources.

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English words and Examples of use

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