display in a sentence

Example Sentences for "display"

There is a Hebrew proverb which states that when two men quarrel, the one who yields first displays the nobler character.

Studies now show that using a computer or video display terminal will not harm your eyes.

Studies show that almost all animal societies display clear patterns of territorial, hierarchical, and sexual inequality.

Any displays of the more intimate parts of the body, including the shoulders, stomach, calves, and thighs is prohibited in many Muslim cultures.

Displaying an open mouth is considered rude in Japan, which is why women generally cover their mouth when laughing.

Gorillas are known for their chest beating displays when in danger.

South Africa boasts one of the most diverse wildlife displays on Earth.

The Otavalo market in Ecuador has grown from a small display of natively produced goods to one of the country's main tourist attractions.

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English words and Examples of use

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