boil in a sentence

Example Sentences for "boil"

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that there is always a best way of doing everything, even if it be to boil an egg.

Samuel Butler wrote that "like a lobster boiled, the morn from black to red began to turn."

In 1547, British law was changed to end the practice of boiling people to death as punishment for criminal behavior.

Whenever I make boiled eggs, I time them by the length of the Beatles' song "Hey Jude."

An old English proverb observes that a watched pot never boils.

In Bolivia, water boils at a temperature of 83 degrees centigrade because of the high altitude.

If you are visiting the African nation of Benin, you must be sure to boil all your water to make it safe for drinking.

Find someone who has boiled an egg.

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English words and Examples of use

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