boycott in a sentence

Example Sentences for "boycott"

Both the Israelis and the Arabs have vowed they will boycott the peace conference unless the hostilities are brought to an immediate halt.

North Korea boycotted the Olympic Games when Seoul, South Korea, hosted the summer games in 1988.

Only 81 countries participated in the Olympic Games of 1980, which were held in Moscow because of a boycott against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The Montgomery, Alabama boycott against the bus system, which made black people give up their seats to white passengers, lasted for 381 days, until the Supreme Court declared that Alabama's state and local laws requiring segregation on buses were illegal.

Boycotts can be an effective way to pressure businesses or governments into taking action to end unfair laws or business practices.

The environmental organization Greenpeace has called for a boycott of lumber produced in our province to protest the logging of old growth forest.

In the mid 1990s, the United Nations threatened a boycott of Libyan oil exports, an action that would have devastated the Libyan economy.

In January of 1932, the Japanese army occupied Shanghai, China to force an end to a Chinese boycott of Japanese goods.

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English words and Examples of use

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