arch in a sentence

Example Sentences for "arch"

She arched her back luxuriously and pressed herself against his naked chest.

A huge curved arch made of tubular steel and concrete is a well-known symbol of the city of St. Louis, Missouri.

Roman architecture is known for its triumphal arches, which were built to represent the victories of the Emperor.

Arches must be well supported, usually with a wooden frame, during the process of construction.

The Roman Empire constructed arches from Germany to North Africa, and to Asia Minor to honor their victories over the local populations, and to emphasize the technical and artistic superiority of the Romans.

The arch at Saint-R-my is the oldest arch in the whole of Gaul. It is seven and a half meters tall and has a single vault under which ran the road to Milan.

The arch is a very strong structure because instead of pushing downwards, the load of an arch bridge is carried outward along the curve of the arch to the supports at each end.

The Romans used arches to build huge stone bridges throughout the Empire.

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English words and Examples of use

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