arrest in a sentence

Example Sentences for "arrest"

In 1935, the police in Atlantic City, New Jersey, arrested 42 men on the beach for wearing a topless bathing suit.

Nearly 43 percent of convicted criminals serving prison sentences in the United States are re-arrested within a year of being released from prison.

In 1946, British authorities arrested more than 2,700 Jews in Palestine in an attempt to stamp out terrorism.

In December of 1993, Pablo Escobar, boss of Colombia's Medellin cocaine cartel, was killed in a shoot-out as police tried to arrest him.

Stephen Leacock once said that advertising may be described as the science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it.

In December of 1955, Rosa Parks, a black woman from Montgomery, Alabama, was arrested when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man.

I sure hope they arrest the guy that has been breaking into cars all over the neighborhood soon.

In March 1917, Czar Nicholas II and his family were arrested by revolutionary forces in Russia.

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