disgust in a sentence

Example Sentences for "disgust"

He made a disgusting dish of burnt rice mixed with meatballs that were half raw.

Ralph is a disgustingly good golfer so I don't even bother playing with him anymore.

The apartment was a disgusting mess, with food rotting on the unwashed dishes, and cat waste on the filthy floors.

Pablo is disgustingly wealthy, so he can do anything he wants, and buy anything he wants, with the result that he appreciates nothing.

It is disgusting to me that so many people need to go to food banks in order to feed their children in a country as wealthy as ours.

His wife complained that the video he had chosen was totally disgusting, with sex scenes every five minutes.

Queen Victoria was once quoted as saying, "I don't dislike babies, though I think very young ones rather disgusting."

Cicero once suggested that the greatest pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust.

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English words and Examples of use

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