comparative analysis in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "comparative analysis"

The comparative analysis of the collateral is known as loan to value (LTV).

In a comparative analysis (pp.

Mr. Brown discusses his comparative analysis on Madonna 's "Like a Virgin ", Joe's senior moments involving his address book rankle Mr. White, and Mr. Pink defends his anti- tipping policy until Joe forces him to leave a tip for the waitresses.

A few days before the his death, Nadzhibulloev had defended a comparative analysis of the censorship of the independent newspaper Charogi and the modern press in Tajikistan.

Their "ARMA Study Approach"includes "researching period fighting manuals, literature and iconography combined with comparative analysis from hands-on experience using accurate replica arms and armor."

A comparative analysis of the CXO and HST data on these PNs, supplemented by detailed modelling, will be invaluable in solving the mystery of how PNs are formed and shaped.

I won't go into a comparative analysis here, but can simply note that, for example, both versions encompass elements of agency that is entwined with a strong 'consumerist' dimension.

A cinematographical and comparative analysis of the basketball jump shot as performed by male and female shooters.

This latter aspect in particular has prevented comparative analysis at a national scale.

The 1994 reports not only include analysis of the 1994 data, but also re-analysis of the 1991 data using 1991 Census data, and comparative analysis of the 1991 and 1994 data.

Annex 1 presents a detailed but uncritical comparative analysis of DFID's bilateral framework with the aid allocation results of the Collier/Dollar models.

5 more results not shown.

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Example sentences with the comparative analysis, a sentence example for comparative analysis, and how to make comparative analysis in sample sentence, how do I use the word comparative analysis in a sentence? How do you spell comparative analysis in a sentence? spelling of comparative analysis

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