English words and Examples of Usage
use "replete-with " in a sentence
The government coffers are replete with funds.
In Agarics, especially in the subgenus Mycena, the gills and stem are replete with a milky juice.
The next day, however, being the Sabbath, he preached a discourse which was held to be the richest and most powerful, and the most replete with heavenly influences, that had ever proceeded from his lips.
I need not remind the reader that, from the long and weird catalogue of human miseries, I might have selected many individual instances more replete with essential suffering than any of these vast generalities of disaster.
The teeming brain of childhood requires no external world of incident to occupy or amuse it; and the apparently dismal monotony of a school was replete with more intense excitement than my riper youth has derived from luxury, or my full manhood from crime.
In the one instance, the dreamer, or enthusiast, being interested by an object usually not frivolous, imperceptibly loses sight of this object in a wilderness of deductions and suggestions issuing therefrom, until, at the conclusion of a day dream often replete with luxury, he finds the incitamentum, or first cause of his musings, entirely vanished and forgotten.
Yet its memory was replete with horror-horror more horrible from being vague, and terror more terrible from ambiguity.
Doctor Mell, in a speech replete with feeling, then proposed "Our distinguished Guest, the ornament of our town.
Like that story, this one comes replete with a cloak-and-dagger fantasy in which the truth-seeking journalist (in this case the author of the X-Files Encyclopedia ) faces danger from shadowy conspirators for attempting to expose the truth.
ET/PT)--are chided for their now formulaic depictions of twentysomething lifestyles, replete with tired pop culture references and "blather .
After all, Navajo culture is replete with stories cautioning against the dangers of gambling, and this is the second time in three years that the Navajo have said no to casinos.
" A quirkier favorite of mine is the Journal of Emergency Medicine , which is replete with oddball articles--such as the recent one from the University of Tennessee on 14 cases occurring over five weeks in which prisoners reported swallowing razor blades and other metal objects.
The rousing Dirty Harry (1971) is inarguably a template for the modern, right-wing vigilante picture, replete with digs at Miranda rights, due process, and the burgeoning civil-liberties movement.
Their arguments in the trial's final days are replete with desperate, belated appeals to the popular will.
The home page is replete with unflattering photos of Al Gore, while the national security area includes a Chinese espionage timetable and a summary of the Cox report.
Only first 15 results shown.
filename and directory |
isim.htm |
needless-to-say.htm |
goes-without-saying.htm |
good-health.htm |
medical-expenses.htm |
eligible-age.htm |
regardless-of.htm |
hope-for-success.htm |
do-anything.htm |
value-of-health.htm |
too-careful.htm |
take-good-care-of.htm |
falls-ill.htm |
fresh-air.htm |
pay-more-attention.htm |
fell-ill.htm |
avoid-eating.htm |
until-sickness-comes.htm |
from-the-viewpoint-of.htm |
true-value.htm |
great-blessing.htm |
inseparable-from.htm |
means-everything.htm |
important-factor.htm |
conducive-to.htm |
coexists-with.htm |
moderate-exercise.htm |
above-wealth.htm |
the-latter.htm |
stay-healthy.htm |
it-is-not-until.htm |
blessing-of.htm |
a-whole-year.htm |
keep-in-good-health.htm |
international-trade.htm |
stressed-out.htm |
nervous-breakdown.htm |
see-about.htm |
ice-age.htm |
became-extinct.htm |
fixed-up.htm |
last-long.htm |
making-faces.htm |
do-away.htm |
make-yourself-at-home.htm |
constructive-ideas.htm |
from-the-standpoint-of.htm |
combined-with.htm |
pretend-to-be.htm |
filled-with.htm |
perfunctory.htm |
eading-question.htm |
stool-examination.htm |
insist-on.htm |
at-a-loss.htm |
walking-around.htm |
walked-across.htm |
on-her-way.htm |
closing-in-on.htm |
in-black.htm |
feels-soft.htm |
feel-stiff.htm |
stiff-neck.htm |
severe-pain.htm |
in-the-shoulder.htm |
judge-by.htm |
patch-up.htm |
eyesore.htm |
new-light.htm |
covered-with.htm |
sign-of-life.htm |
in-that-way.htm |
wise-enough.htm |
left-it-unlocked.htm |
had-no-difficulty.htm |
doing-fine.htm |
cheer-up.htm |
cause-and-effect.htm |
at-the-sign-of.htm |
for-the-first-time.htm |
grave-threat.htm |
as-a-matter-of-course.htm |
severe-winter.htm |
strictly-speaking.htm |
loud-knock.htm |
run-out-of.htm |
get-a-discount.htm |
in-cash.htm |
on-his-own.htm |
have-an-effect.htm |
with-regard-to.htm |
downpour.htm |
fed-up-with.htm |
supply-and-demand.htm |
at-present.htm |
head-in-the-sand.htm |
at-the-scene.htm |
current-circumstances.htm |
under-the-circumstances-.htm |
in-shape.htm |
tend-to-be.htm |
more-and-more.htm |
differ-from.htm |
in-many-ways.htm |
getting-smaller.htm |
rather-similar.htm |
modern-life.htm |
we-owe.htm |
live-in.htm |
too-much-to-say.htm |
goes-in.htm |
important-role-in.htm |
everyday-life.htm |
hear-it-said.htm |
what-is-important.htm |
impossibilities.htm |
means-little.htm |
what-do-you-think-of.htm |
all-sorts-of.htm |
cannot-do-without.htm |
have-difficulty-understanding.htm |
broken-away.htm |
rests-on.htm |
modern-civilization.htm |
not-allowed-to-enter.htm |
going-to-do.htm |
do-an-internship.htm |
local-time.htm |
long-spell-of.htm |
once-you-are.htm |
devoted-herself-to.htm |
caring-for.htm |
in-other-words.htm |
man-of-faith.htm |
what-you're-saying.htm |
whatever-you-want-.htm |
relieved-after.htm |
i-wanted-to-say.htm |
you-were-told-to-.htm |
going-too-far.htm |
make-a-world.htm |
a-matter-of.htm |
common-sense.htm |
in-the-laws-of.htm |
work-with-him.htm |
most-able.htm |
young-man-.htm |
man-I-know.htm |
refuse-the-proposal.htm |
she-wants-to.htm |
little-remains.htm |
to-be-said.htm |
on-speaking-terms.htm |
aftertaste.htm |
settle-the-argument.htm |
making-excuses.htm |
keep-making-.htm |
no-use-trying-to.htm |
excuse-yourself.htm |
quite-different-from.htm |
is-one-thing.htm |
careful-what-you.htm |
oil-supplier.htm |
as-usual.htm |
came-late.htm |
goes-without-saying.htm |
behind-the-times.htm |
win-the-prize.htm |
sealed.htm |
come-on-out-.htm |
are-sealed.htm |
myself-clear.htm |
mouth-shut.htm |
told-to-do.htm |
read-between.htm |
but-for.htm |
with-one-another.htm |
by-means-of.htm |
communicate-with.htm |
keeps-in-step-with.htm |
peculiar-to.htm |
human-society.htm |
man-of-my-word.htm |
on-the-tip-of-my-tongue.htm |
at-a-loss.htm |
watch-your.htm |
cannot-express.htm |
caught-a-glimpse-of.htm |
convey-my-feelings.htm |
true-feelings.htm |
quite-another.htm |
verbal-communication.htm |
in-brief.htm |
told-me-to-be.htm |
verbal-praise.htm |
gave-her-away.htm |
change-according-to.htm |
well-chosen.htm |
such-great.htm |
across-the-universe.htm |
stand-for.htm |
express-ideas.htm |
at-the-wrong.htm |
living-and-dead.htm |
in-that.htm |
always-be-careful.htm |
restricted-in.htm |
tightly-restricted.htm |
accrue-to.htm |
as-a-matter-of-course.htm |
undone.htm |
no-use-crying.htm |
i-wonder-if.htm |
up-to-your-limit.htm |
lose-the-war.htm |
our-policy.htm |
individual-liberty.htm |
a-drop-in-the-bucket.htm |
the-deceased.htm |
exist-for.htm |
usually-respected.htm |
personal-question.htm |
take-it-personally.htm |
makes-any-difference.htm |
disposed-of.htm |
taken-down.htm |
unfriendly-to.htm |
modern-life.htm |
as-compared-with.htm |
pull-down.htm |
ran-across.htm |
crumbling-away.htm |
proved-to-be.htm |
never-to-return.htm |
can-be-seen.htm |
no-matter-where.htm |
ever-lived.htm |
voted-out.htm |
ancient-times.htm |
in-the-sky.htm |
throughout-europe.htm |
thought-of.htm |
conceived-of.htm |
ancient-world.htm |
recently-come-to-light.htm |
page-someone.htm |
difficulty-breathing.htm |
henpecked.htm |
don't-have-to-be.htm |
leave-it-in.htm |
is-called.htm |
business-plan.htm |
met-up-with.htm |
earning-money.htm |
was-set-up.htm |
orphan-children.htm |
separate-things.htm |
been-alone.htm |
let-live.htm |
by-yourself.htm |
door-open.htm |
blew-open.htm |
on-the-door.htm |
without-fail.htm |
remains-closed.htm |
let-in.htm |
at-the-door.htm |
out-of-doors.htm |
waiting-for-you.htm |
nominated-for.htm |
all-of-the-money.htm |
bolt-the-door.htm |
lie-in.htm |
dead-man.htm |
very-well.htm |
at-the-lake.htm |
on-the-lake.htm |
thin-ice.htm |
to-have-lunch.htm |
beautiful-scene.htm |
by-the-lake.htm |
came-in-view-of.htm |
how-deep.htm |
in-the-middle-of.htm |
miles-across.htm |
surrounded-by.htm |
remembered-for.htm |
vanishing-species.htm |
beast-of-prey.htm |
big-cat.htm |
in-love-with-me.htm |
such-a-mean.htm |
taken-at-last.htm |
exploit-their-workers.htm |
a-new-offer.htm |
higher-wages.htm |
to-lag.htm |
largest-of-all.htm |
grateful-for.htm |
cold-calls.htm |
how-to-treat.htm |
have-been-list.htm |
can-you-change.htm |
pick-you-up.htm |
frozen-shoulder.htm |
such-things-as-.htm |
drinking-water.htm |
five-minutes-later.htm |
emerged-from.htm |
cordial-with.htm |
play-tennis.htm |
convenient-for-you.htm |
make-a-reservation.htm |
anything-to-do.htm |
change-for-the-worse.htm |
some-free-time.htm |
feels-like.htm |
in-the-afternoon.htm |
from-now-on.htm |
have-a-swim.htm |
all-through-the-.htm |
call-on-you.htm |
in-the-way-of.htm |
one-after-another.htm |
see-you-later.htm |
later-on.htm |
set-it-aside.htm |
how-much-longer.htm |
how-soon.htm |
heard-such.htm |
left-to-you.htm |
call-him-back.htm |
for-the-benefit-of.htm |
in-the-rear.htm |
shut-the-door-.htm |
came-down-from.htm |
look-back.htm |
never-done.htm |
behind-my-back.htm |
too-late-for-.htm |
passed-on-to.htm |
in-the-name-of.htm |
for-mercy.htm |
how-about.htm |
a-cup-of-tea.htm |
in-a-hurry.htm |
vitamin-pills.htm |
high-school.htm |
felt-ashamed.htm |
marry-me.htm |
second-thoughts.htm |
turn-in.htm |
later-life.htm |
political-freedom.htm |
all-my-life.htm |
from-behind.htm |
in-the-rear.htm |
shut-the-door.htm |
look-back.htm |
plane-fare.htm |
drop-by.htm |
condolences.htm |
pastime.htm |
basic-sense.htm |
do-well.htm |
it-seems-that.htm |
get-me-wrong.htm |
dizzy-with.htm |
fresh-water.htm |
put-me-through.htm |
ran-out-of.htm |
in-the-middle-of.htm |
breakdown.htm |
set-the-scene.htm |
on-the-other-side.htm |
made-little-progress.htm |
in-failure.htm |
ended-in-failure.htm |
entered-upon.htm |
all-tied-up.htm |
gap-in.htm |
very-slowly.htm |
traffic-rules.htm |
pay-cuts.htm |
heavy-traffic.htm |
traffic-accidents.htm |
left-hand.htm |
involved-in.htm |
a-lot-of-trouble.htm |
put-off.htm |
as-a-result-of.htm |
on-the-increase.htm |
increasing-in-number.htm |
must-take-measures.htm |
rainy-days.htm |
year-by-year.htm |
bumper-to-bumper.htm |
come-on-time.htm |
prevented-us-from.htm |
made-good-time.htm |
on-our-trip.htm |
close-at-hand.htm |
tax-cut.htm |
no-shortage-of.htm |
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