English words and Examples of Usage
use "such-things-as- " in a sentence
Nowadays, many cars have sensors to gauge such things as temperature, speed, fuel level, and pressure.
gaze Such things as television and computers could not have been dreamed of fifty years ago.
You should only buy such things as you need for your everyday life.
Such things as the textbook controversy, lack of recognition of historical events, and the prime minister's worshipping at the Yasukuni Shrine have caused discord with China.
I don't like such things as steaks and hamburgers.
In many countries, property taxes are levied on land and buildings, but some countries also include such things as business and farm equipment and inventories, automobiles, jewelry, furniture, and even bonds, mortgages, and shares of stock.
A typical nurse will do such things as helping with a urinal bottle, and shaving in preparation for surgery! Now if you would know what 91 might be done by this glasse, in the sight of such things as were neerer at hand, the same Authour will tell you, ibid.
But yet there are many fabulous 113 I relations of such things as have dropped thence.
But as for such who have busied themselves in many broyles, or have beene vehement in the prosecution of any lust, as the ambitious, the amorous, the wrathfull man, these still retaine the glimpses and dreames of such things as they have performed in their bodies, which makes them either altogether unfit to remaine there where they are, or else keepes them long ere they can put off their soules.
As wee now wonder at the blindnesse of our Ancestors, who were not able to discerne such things as seeme plaine and obvious unto us.
" Such things as liberty, war, slavery, riches, poverty, and the like, were accounted accidents.
Even they consume substances which leave much indigestible residue, such as skin, ligaments and bones, but civilised man, when living on a flesh dietary removes as much of such things as possible.
On the other hand there are races who enjoy stronger flavoured food, including such things as garlic, curry, pickles, pepper, strong cheese, meat extracts, rancid fats, dried and smoked fish, high game or still more decomposed flesh, offal and various disgusting things.
In fact, there are such things as types of form among animals and vegetables, and for the purpose of getting a definite knowledge of what constitutes the leading modifications of animal and plant life, it is not needful to examine more than a comparatively small number of animals and plants.
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Have you ever liked a piece of art so much you feel like you’re part of it? Well, a museum in the Philippines is helping people do just that. Art in Island, a museum in Manila, created by a group of Korean artists, features over a hundred unique three dimensional paintings that encourage people to pose in front of them. Each artwork is created in such a way that when...
Was this a hideout for German Nazi officers? Deep in Argentina’s northern jungle, archaeologists have discovered the ruins of what may have originally been a Nazi hiding place. “It’s a defendable site, a protected site, an inaccessible site, where you can live peacefully in hiding. We believe we’ve found a refuge for the Nazi hierarchy.”Researchers from the University of Buenos Aires...
When most people tell you they have a couple of cats at home, these probably aren't the type of cat you’d expect, but for one family in Gaza, these lion cubs are their household pets.
Lioness Mona and Alex, who’s a male, were born in the battle-torn Gaza Strip to parents that were smuggled through a ...
Window cleaners have an accident
A terrifying ordeal for two window cleaners in China, as the platform they were working on began swinging violently and smashing into the building. The incident, which took place outside the 91st floor of the Shanghai World Financial Centre, lasted for 15 minutes with their cradle slamming into a wall at one point, sending glass flying into the building and down to the ground.
The hat which French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte wore during the Battle of Waterloo is on its way back to the battlefield which saw his demise.
The two-cornered, or bicorne hat, is normally kept in a museum in Sens in east of Paris.
It was the one Napoleon wore on June 18th, 1815 when ...