We see in a sentence

We see them on occasion.

We see with our eyes.

We see what we expect to see.

We see a snowcapped mountain.

Lately, We see crows everywhere.

We see a lot of cars on the street.

Now We see more and more foreigners.

We tend to use English when We see a foreigner.

Not until the following morning did We see land.

If We see any utility in a plant, we help it to grow.

We see each other at the supermarket now and then.

Leadership by coercion would not produce the results We see.

The stars We see in the sky at night are unimaginably remote.

The stars We see in the sky at night are unimaginably far away.

The planets produce no light of their own, We see them by reflected sunlight.

It is because light travels faster than sound that We see lightning before we hear thunder.

When We see something, we recognize its texture from our past experience of similar objects.

The images of cars and driving which We see in the media don’t generally promote safe driving.

Because the moon shines only by reflected sunlight, We see the moon slowly darken as it enters the shadow.

When we look at a distant galaxy, We see it as it was soon after being formed from the chaos of the big bang.

For too long, man has had the vain belief that he could control nature, but now We see that this is impossible.

Only the lower part of our earth’s atmosphere is visible, in the form of the clouds We see floating in our sky.

There is a Pennsylvania Dutch proverb which states that our faults irritate us most when We see them in others.

Only the lower part of our Earth’s atmosphere is visible, in the form of the clouds We see floating in our sky.

When we look at a distant galaxy, We see it as it was billions of years ago when its light began the journey toward Earth.

Peggy Noonan once said, “I think miracles exist in part as gifts, and in part as clues that there is something beyond the flat world We see.

Robert Schuller once noted that again and again, the impossible problem is solved when We see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made.

Confucius advised that when We see men of worth, we should think of equaling them, when We see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves.

Either way, We see real value in bringing these names to life online.

944043 Will We see a second German team through to the quarterfinals?

916334 We see people sharing their cars, using public transportation.

We see that there are 7,500 Russian soldiers in the east of Ukraine.

Runaway inequality is upending how We see ourselves and how we govern.

“What We see here is a combination of extremist Islam and the Internet.

And what We see in this data is a puzzle underneath it all,” Funk said.

And We see you, Frank Worner of Lafayette, and your 6,645 gallons a day.

We see that businessmen want to fight to save their companies, he added.

But even as We see more pictures that world, it is even more of a fantasy.

Actually We see that students care about a multitude of different issues.”

Here’s hoping We see you July 11. See inaccurate information in this story?

These are the challenges We see in these resource-limited settings, he says.

We see oil going down, because people see Europe as having problems growing.

On average, We see that the effect of happiness is relatively short-lasting.

His economic plan rests on oil, essentially, with the consequences We see now.

When We see them in the streets of Ramadi, we’re going to kill them in Ramadi.

Most likely there will be no progress until We see a new government,” he said.

What We see is two nationalist organizations pursuing the same goals in unison.

He said it’s “a coin toss on will We see the last hour of trading deteriorate.”

We see people getting layoffs because their employers are paying higher taxes.

Because we live 30 minutes from my in-laws, We see them pretty much every week.

“Today We see more folks not doing anything while a small group does everything.

Continuing on, We see the newly painted logos marking this as a divisional game.

Overall, “We see a broad, slow but positive growth pace for the housing sector.”

904109 We don’t know what’s in that agreement until We see it in June, he said.”

They said, ‘We know you’re renovating because We see all the junk on the street.

We see his different caretakers trying to impart their own sensibilities to him.

915213 We’re not upgrading our view at this point until We see topline growth..”

In some years We see as few as 30, in other years we have seen over 170, he said.

399475 It is the police who are asking us not to believe what We see on the tape.”

The family eats together, lives together, and We see and hear them laugh together.

If what We see around changes, then so too should our perceptions and aspirations.

Those are the kids We see out on the street and really not having any place to go.”

We see it as the greatest advancement in entrepreneurship in a generation, he said.

We see them as an important part of the team but not as the enforcers, said Whitney.

330620 If We see medical collections, that’s not the end of the world,”” Esner says.”

916333 We see people kneading dough in a bakery and sorting clothes in a dry cleaner.

667526 That raises the question: Will We see outfits combining Star Wars”” and Trump?”

If We see people who change toward having more radical behavior, then we can report it.

916277 We see a tremendous amount of tick bites (in Massachusetts),”” Sliwkowski said.”

We see a huge income shift from the oil exporters to the importers like Japan, he said.

Even before this game, We see all this bragging/dancing/nonsense crap from the Panthers.

We see this as a significant loss and an unnecessary and heavy-handed government tactic.

We see this as OB’s could potentially have a 3D printer right by the ultrasound machine.

So pulsars also give off these short bright pulses like We see for the fast radio bursts.

916274 “We see an overlap in domestic and import avocado production in May,” says Parker.

We see the moment of evil but we are no closer to seeing inside the mind of the evil-doer.

102047 Because what We see on our screens has a tremendous impact on how We see the world.

So, when We see scientists disagree on things, that’s actually indicating a healthy thing.

916348 We see that the wide circles of the Turkish public also start recognizing this fact.

390403 It happens so often and We see so many times that these promises aren’t being kept.”

916325 “We see one more time that we don’t have personal safety in this country,” Mine says.

Here We see Apple doing what it does best – putting engineering ahead of spec sheet numbers.

We see global yields as ridiculously suppressed, be it the U.S, be it Europe, McKnight said.

740019 The last image We see is of her awestruck face, gazing out into some blissful beyond.

We won’t hesitate to speak out when We see contradiction to those values, the president said.

It is the pivotal moment of the debates, and when We see it in your film it’s still shocking.

We never plan to make money from transfers, We see ourselves more as a club that buys players.

“We go to the café for coffee, We see the people who run it every day — they are our friends.

528623 Once again, We see and understand the importance that the media plays in our democracy.

And what We see in this report is something that is as far from that as is possible,” he said.

We see now terrorist organizations making effective use of social media, the Internet, films.”

We see opportunities to develop new products, mainly targeting the commercial satellite market.

We see heavy Canadian crude making inroads into the Gulf Coast refining market, said Ogunnaike.

We see 2015 about creating a lot of content, said Christensen, a serial entrepreneur with a Ph.

When We see women wearing Afros on Instagram, our fingers can’t move fast enough to double tap.

As we head into the final quarter of 2015, will We see the markets make a comeback for the year?

525952 Often We see a slice of someone’s life when something tragic happens and then we move on.

“As I said each time We see one of these mass shooting, our thoughts and prayers are not enough.

We see him dunk every day in practice, so it’s not really a surprise when he does it in a game.

The cuts in cap that We see today will lead to tighter supplies and higher prices in the future.”

Sure they’re all communicating via video link but is that a fax machine We see in the background?

“The problem, what We see, and what we will get into, is-” Spikes pauses, for more than a breath.

When We see the video, we make note of it, but it’s like a lot of videos we’ve seen, Miller said.

The only trend We see here is fashion magazines and their blatant ignorance around black culture.

927211 What We see is a fast heating of a car,”” Heidi Carter-Escudero says from Human Services.”

Read More Moving to the right We see the miniDisplayport, USB 3.0, and the microUSB charging port.

The cop’s gun may have been make-believe, but We see blood fly as Lamar recoils and falls to earth.

We see two guys dressed like we were, and they were going to shoot (the scene) with just the feet.

“For 2016, We see inventories globally building up,” said Saad Rahim, chief economist at Trafigura.

If We see what services they are outsourcing, we can train ourselves to tap into it,” Haughton said.

Matthew’s question to Jesus today might be, “But Lord, where did We see you dying and on the cross?”

We should be talking about where We see Bosnia 20 years from now, rather than 20 years ago, he says.

749464 The more we use it, the more potential We see leveraging it for our other business ventures.”

And ever since Gracie has passed away We see life differently, we don’t dwell on the material things.

The way that We see it is that desperate times call for desperate measures on Slager’s part, he said.

A pretty traditional DLC model merged with the “expansion” concept We see mainly from Blizzard games.

“Because you know, they say you don’t have to fear for the job but We see things changing every day.”

‘CORROSIVE PRODUCTS’ “We see women on national television who use the corrosive products,” Ekra said.

221045 Fast forward to 1999 and We see the Blair Government launch the New Deal for Musicians scheme.

We see the shooting last night as a kind of intimidation, said 32-year-old Desire Kabaya in Nyakabiga.

From guest comment cards and our Facebook page, We see that 98% of guests are thrilled about the room.

671875 That’s when it bumps into North America, and We see this exchange of organisms north and south.