
Academic English Advanced Words


Academic and Advanced Vocabulary Exercises

Group 6 - Exercise 9

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   arises      broadcast      civilian      dominated      eliminated      enroll      explaining      poisons      shoved      sweat   
  1. Heywood Broun once remarked that [] is the cologne of accomplishment.
  2. In 1962, James Meredith became the first black man to [] in the all-white University of Mississippi.
  3. The boys start to pick on him whenever the opportunity [].
  4. There was a live [] from the area where the fighting was going on, and the announcer had to be careful not to get in the way of the soldiers and their guns.
  5. The bully [] little Bobby off the chair he was sitting on.
  6. Women are generally [] by men in many countries throughout the world.
  7. The total [] and military population of the Panama Canal Area is about 35,000.
  8. A number of social programs are being cut back or [] by the government in an effort to save money.
  9. Cleopatra tested her [] by giving them to slaves.
  10. You are going to have a lot of [] to do when Dad finds out you took the car without permission.

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