
Academic English Advanced Words


Group 3


Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   current      diplomatic      environment      expertly      lecture      nutrients      revenue      tolerance      vague      wrapped   
  1. He was able to [] park the car by the end of his driving course.
  2. The description of the bank robber was too [] to be of any use.
  3. There is a Dutch proverb which observes that it is hard to swim against the [].
  4. If you take antibiotics too often, your body builds up a [] to them, and they are no longer effective.
  5. This city is generally a safe and friendly [] for foreign students to study in.
  6. You have no right to [] me about honesty; you cheat on your income tax!
  7. Water is used in our bodies to carry [] to feed all our cells, and to take toxins to elimination sites.
  8. Our total sales [] is expected to top $20 million this year.
  9. Because it is such a small country, Belize's [] affairs are mainly handled by British embassies.
  10. The toes of Egyptian mummies are [] individually.

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