
Academic English Advanced Words


Academic and Advanced Vocabulary Exercises

Group 11 - Exercise 6

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   ability      enormous      exit      feast      fool      memory      refer      shocking      swap      vices   
  1. A bunch of kids got together at the school to [] CDs that they no longer listened to.
  2. The news of the minister's arrest for drunken driving was quite [] to the members of his church.
  3. Many of the most common [] in our society seem to stem mainly from greed; greed for material wealth, greed for sex or greed for power.
  4. Aeschylus observed that [] is the mother of all wisdom.
  5. There is an old expression which observes that you can [] some of the people some of the time, but you can't [] all the people all of the time.
  6. William Shakespeare once said that small cheer and great welcome makes a merry [].
  7. The young boy picked up his bag and walked towards the [].
  8. She lives in an [] house, with 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and an indoor swimming pool.
  9. If you have to [] to a dictionary too often when reading in a second language, you will quickly get tired and confused.
  10. Drinking alcohol seriously affects your [] to drive a car safely.

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