
Academic English Advanced Words


Academic and Advanced Vocabulary Exercises

Group 11 - Exercise 5

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   ability      enormous      exit      feast      fooled      memorabilia      refers      shock      swapping      vices   
  1. I would like to visit the museum of rock and roll, and see all the music [] they have there.
  2. My kids [] me into thinking that they had broken the computer, but of course it wasn't true.
  3. We were quite shocked to discover that the other married couples at the party were planning on [] partners for the night.
  4. We had a real [] Saturday night after my dad caught a huge salmon while out fishing.
  5. Napoleon Bonaparte once said that [] is nothing without opportunity.
  6. The age recorded on a whiskey bottle [] to the number of years it is aged before being bottled.
  7. The news of the death of her father came as a terrible [] to her.
  8. Two bodies were found near the emergency [].
  9. Because of the sun's intensity, and the long periods of sunshine year round, vegetable crops in Tibet grow to [] sizes.
  10. A Greek proverb notes that great abilities produce great [] as well as virtues.

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