
Academic English Advanced Words


Group 1

English Advanced Vocabulary Exercises-8

Fill in the blanks with the correct word.
   Committee      elite      emerged      flare      imposed      incapable      offers      risks      tubes   
  1. The university now [] many of its courses online.
  2. There is a Spanish proverb which observes that nothing is gained without taking [].
  3. William Butler Yeats wrote that life moves out of a red [] of dreams into a common light of common hours, until old age brings the red [] again.
  4. He always loses at poker because he is [] of hiding his feelings.
  5. He was lying in the hospital bed with various [] running in and out of his nose, mouth and arms.
  6. Though Spanish is the official language of Ecuador, English is widely spoken among the [] of that country.
  7. The government has [] a wage freeze for the next year in the public sector.
  8. The first Central [] of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union was founded in 1912 by a group led by Vladimir Lenin.
  9. Distinct styles, genres and forms of instrumental music [] in Europe between 1450 and 1550.

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