LeCorbusier described Manhattan as that vertical city with unimaginable diamonds.
The next generation of computers will have capabilities which are unimaginable today.
The war in El Salvador put an unimaginable strain on families, with many deaths and disappearances of family members.
Lynas: It’s a scenario which is so extreme it’s almost unimaginable.
If TR4 were to spread into this region, the effects would be unimaginable.”
You’ve reached them all in ways unimaginable,” another woman told Pence-Brown.
The Greek people have suffered an unimaginable hardship, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.
No matter the circumstances, it is a time of unimaginable sadness for all involved.”
It essentially takes the life of another child and causes unimaginable heartache for others.
We will lead this fight together with you against those who did such unimaginable things to you.
These so-called “comfort women” suffered unimaginable physical, emotional, and psychological trauma.
His latest book is unimaginable Atrocities: Justice, Politics, and Rights at the War Crimes Tribunals.
The reports we have received reveal acts of inhumanity on an unimaginable scale.
The scene was “horrific and unimaginable,” Astorino said.
The thought of entering the unknown without being able to rely on visual information was unimaginable.”
The unimaginable has happened, mayor Bodo Klimpel said during the service, “but death cannot be the final word.”
These so-called “comfort women” suffered unimaginable physical, emotional, and psychological trauma.
Those freaks would take unimaginable measures to prevent discovery of their deviant behaviour.
As the gynecologist injects the egg it starts dividing into unimaginable amounts.
At the age of 22, she came to Paris and found herself surrounded by unimaginable suffering.
First-class work is unimaginable without technological modernization.
His ‘blind honeybee’ finds honey-saps even in unimaginable founts.
Hundley) to join them in building a then-unimaginable 4 GB unit.
If TR4 were to spread into this region, the effects would be unimaginable.”
It essentially takes the life of another child and causes unimaginable heartache for others.
Kain’s whole life had been devoted to perfecting his combat skills; death by other than combat was unimaginable.
No matter the circumstances, it is a time of unimaginable sadness for all involved.”
The conditions these girls undergo are very harsh and unimaginable.
The Greek people have suffered an unimaginable hardship, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.
The ocean could fill vast basins in matters of weeks or months, in catastrophes that are unimaginable in today’s world.
This would have been unimaginable for people in the atoll a year ago.
We will lead this fight together with you against those who did such unimaginable things to you.
You’ve reached them all in ways unimaginable,” another woman told Pence-Brown.