We usually go camping on Saltspring Island in the summertime.
summertime temperatures in this region range between 20 and 30 degrees.
The city often puts restrictions on water use in the summertime in order to prevent shortages.
The city usually puts restrictions on water use in the summertime in order to prevent shortages.
The main source of jobs for teenagers in this town during the summertime is the tourist industry.
In the summertime, Anne blends a frozen banana with orange juice and fresh strawberries to produce a refreshing drink.
“We try to do everything and in the summertime, we still had a $300 bill.
The sheriff’s office reminds drivers to be careful with pets in the summertime.
With a springtime spike in shootings and a summertime plan imminent, reality rises up.
653601 summertime warmth will become less frequent as the calendar heads towards autumn.
As part of a summertime promotion, the chain sold “samurai burgers” with red or black buns.
Yes, You Can Drown on Dry Land – Here’s How By Tia Ghose 6 hours ago summertime means swimming.
232319 For her audition she performed her self-penned song ‘summertime’ accompanied by the piano.
Regina’s a beautiful place to be in the summertime so we feel really fortunate that we can be here.