Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.
Our sponsorship of the event is designed to generate more goodwill towards our organization.
The festival has been saved thanks to the sponsorship of a number of major corporations.
Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.
Restrictions on tobacco advertising and sponsorship are key parts of a global treaty being organized by the World Health Organization to reduce smoking.
tremble A major corporation has withdrawn its sponsorship of the sporting event due to rumors of drug use by the athletes.
Today we’re encouraging people to register for a team and for sponsorship.”””
‘ “Should FIFA fail to do so, we have informed them that we will reassess our sponsorship,” Visa said.
“In the past, we were looking for sponsorship.
“The sponsorship is a way of helping him as well as other young people.”
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But sponsorship is not like other charities.
Choi is still looking for sponsorship.
CNN Travel series often carries sponsorship originating from the countries and regions we profile.
CNN Travel’s series often carries sponsorship originating from the countries and regions we profile.
CNN Travel’s series often carry sponsorship originating from the countries and regions we profile.
CNN’s On the Road series often carries sponsorship originating from the countries we profile.
Corporate sponsorship, he added, will present a different challenge.
Each stand has a name for corporate sponsorship purposes.
FedEx chose to endorse that brand through their sponsorship of Mr. Snyder’s organization.”
Footwear brand Skechers has signed a major sponsorship deal with Triple Crown hopeful California Chrome.
For big companies like Anheuser-Busch, General Motors and Procter & Gamble, an NFL sponsorship is a coveted prize.
For questions regarding event sponsorship contact Melanie Galloway at [email protected] or call 949-361-3775.
He was dissatisfied with his sponsorship arrangement.
Hide Caption 8 of 8 CNN Travel’s series often carries sponsorship originating from the countries and regions we profile.
His MasterCard deal helped, but the company dropped his sponsorship in January.
His sponsorship with Nike has lapsed and his playing career with Paris Saint-Germain has one more season.
Hotel chain Radisson suspended its sponsorship of the Vikings as a result of the charges.
However, both have lucrative shirt sponsorship deals with Middle Eastern airline companies Emirates and Qatar Airways.
I predict we’ll see sponsorship money tip over the 50 per cent mark by 2018.
If the event cannot attract sponsorship and ticket sales to at least break even then it should be reconsidered.
In June, he received the Alfried Krupp sponsorship Award for young university teachers for 2014.
It has been free for those attending each year, and been entirely reliant on sponsorship and volunteers.
It is also the first city to take advantage of the relaxed rules regarding sponsorship and displaying the Olympic Rings.
Jake Womersley already has a sponsorship deal and hopes eventually to ride the Tour.
Kia is also suspending its sponsorship with the Clippers, according to a tweet from CNBC SportsBiz.
Mark Monahan says that if his sponsorship encourages even one other person to sponsor a family, it’s worth it.
Microsoft inked a five-year, $400 million sponsorship deal with the NFL last year.
Murray previously had a four-year sponsorship deal with Adidas.