Use “postpones” in a sentence | “postpones” example sentences
1- The shell always postpones exiting if any jobs are stopped.
2- British government postpones fuel rationing in face of public hostility.
3- This can help you avoid infinite postpones .
4- Perry postpones a decision calling the situation “a maze.
5- Postpone count helps you prevent numerous postpones .
6- However, she postpones it indefinitely after marrying and becoming pregnant.
7- If education postpones such dependency it will have paid its way.
8- The World Health Organization postpones consideration of Palestinian membership.
9- The Count happily postpones the wedding in order to investigate the charge.
10- Jim puts his ring back in his pocket and postpones the engagement.
learn postpones in a sentence
11- If anything , it postpones them.
12- Rather than reduce its spending it maintains it, but postpones cash payments.
13- This postpones your gain until the year you dispose of the replacement property.
14- It denies that its proposed purchase of GiroBank necessarily postpones the conversion plans.
15- The temporary comfort they gain from rationalizing their inaction just postpones the inevitable.
16- Hospice neither hastens nor postpones dying.
17- The avoidance response usually terminates the warning signal and postpones the next scheduled US presentation.
18- Zimbabwe : Mugabe government postpones its budget, fueling speculation the economy is stalling.
19- State law postpones counting most absentee and questioned ballots until a week after the election.
20- The group postpones the decision rather than studying the alternatives and discussing their relative merits.
use postpones in a sentence
21- Abandonment is also invalid where the defendant simply postpones the criminal plan until another time.
22- During this time, Joe as “NY152” mysteriously postpones meeting Kathleen.
23- This adjustment postpones the loss deduction until the disposition of the new stock or securities.
24- A Moscow court postpones verdict on the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky until May 16.
25- This simply postpones the pain.
26- Again, each month of failure postpones the realization of these expense reductions by another month.
27- If the IRS postpones a tax deadline, the following taxpayers are eligible for the postponement.
28- The tax relief postpones various tax filing and payment deadlines that occurred on or after Aug. 26.
29- Military aid is temporary in nature, a “shoring up” measure that only postpones crisis.
30- This approach postpones the elevator purchase and reduces future inconvenience if an installation later becomes desirable or affordable.
how to use postpones in a sentence
31- In the example above, you can see that postpones executed on the subset negatively affected retention.
32- Oliza then postpones everything she has to do and takes Betia into the dancer’s nest.
33- In January 2012, Delta announced it postpones any decision to start building a second nuclear power plant.
34- The decision postpones consideration of legislative proposals on biometrics in visas and passports until after the European elections.
35- Contrary to expectations this growth in the production of consumer goods merely postpones and then magnifies the problem.
36- This postpones the next thermostat request and improves comfort, saving energy that is typically wasted in other products.
37- Blockade of type A, but not type B, CCK receptors postpones satiety in rhesus monkeys.
38- The delay allows more time to accumulate savings and postpones the need to draw down savings, he argues.
39- Each delay in the release of the paper charts postpones the release of the Navionics update as well.
40- Norrington graciously accepts Elizabeth’s wish to marry Will, and even postpones pursuing Sparrow for one day.
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