once in a while in a sentence

I see him once in a while.

I visited him once in a while.

I play tennis once in a while.

We go fishing once in a while.

I hear from her once in a while.

He writes to me once in a while.

He comes to see me once in a while.

once in a while he tells se things.

Please write to me once in a while.

I go to the movies once in a while.

Why not just let fly once in a while?

He comes and sees me once in a while.

once in a while everything goes wrong.

I hear from my mother once in a while.

I get a call from her once in a while.

We go fishing together once in a while.

Father and I go fishing once in a while.

My husband enjoys his glass once in a while.

We go to the movies together once in a while.

once in a while my uncle took me to the harbor.

They go to the movies together once in a while.

He writes a letter once in a while but not so often.

He promised that he would write to me once in a while.

once in a while, he leaves his umbrella on the train.

My wife and I like to go out for Chinese food once in a while.

Everyone needs to relax once in a while, otherwise, we’d all go crazy.

I haven’t seen you for a long time.

Come and see me once in a while.

Everybody blows it once in a while.

It’s better not to obsess on it.

Go out and have a good time once in a while instead of just studying all the time.

His diary was a kind of list of events, though he commented at length once in a while.

I usually go through my files once in a while to get rid of stuff that is out of date.

Comfort can spoil you.

once in a while, it can do you good to corner yourself.

You should spray your houseplants with a little water once in a while to wash the dust off them.

Isn’t it better to get drunk and cut loose once in a while and blow off the tension of daily frustration?

You have to turn the compost once in a while in order to get air in it so that it will break down quickly.

You need to turn the soil at the base of the plant once in a while to keep it from getting too hard-packed.

Professional athletes need to have a strong ego so that they don’t get discouraged if things go badly once in a while.

Since he’s in show business he often goofs around in a showy way, but once in a while he has these bashful mannerisms that are really cute.

You have to make sure that you turn the compost once in a while in order to get air and moisture in there to help all the stuff to break down.

Barbara Walters once said that to feel valued, to know, even if only once in a while, that you can do a job well is an absolutely marvelous feeling.

The suggestion that all drugs are bad is quite simplistic.

Coffee is a drug, but most people seem to think it’s okay to drink it once in a while.

“But then every once in a while I say, ‘I can’t believe I’m a Senator!’

Jennifer Aniston Frazer Harrison via Getty Images “I enjoy it once in a while.

Every once in a while you experience a breakthrough,” the senior official said.

I also want to have frozen yogurt loaded with Reese’s Cups every once in a while.

Every once in a while it does get an odour to it, usually in the spring and the fall.”

once in a while I would see two or three people standing in the rain looking at the site.

Foot down, balance, drive with the legs and, hey, turn on a pitch once in a while, you know?

“If you miss the fairways once in a while, you have to accept that that bogey is not a bad score.

I can actually still call her phone and hear her voice, which I’ll do that every once in a while.”